Sunday, March 15, 2009

One bowl of rice

I did it!!!!!!!!!!!! The one bowl of rice in 24 hours was one of the hardest things I have ever done. At around midnight my stomach was growling so loud and so hard it woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep.
Then I realized how blessed I am that I have never known that kind of physical hunger. And I so pray for those who face this on a daily basis.. God bless them.

But it also got me to thinking about how spiritually starved I am at times and do not even recognize it. My prayer for this is that God let me feel the hunger pains that is caused by being spiritually starved.

Pray for me this week as tomorrow I go for a scope of my throat. I have what I pray is just scar tissue and they will either remove it or biopsy it tomorrow.

Have a blessed week.

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