Friday, August 29, 2008

God is so good!!

Last weekend I went to see Beth Moore and she taught on our inheritance. The scripture she used was Psalm 16: 1-11 (5-6). Not only was it a blessing at the conference, but since I have been home God has given me a peace about life, that I have never had before. We are once again facing a hurricane in Louisiana, after Katrina and Rita your stomach drops when you hear the word hurricane. But I am not only calm I have a peace beyond my understanding. I have done the common sense stuff in getting ready. But I haven't gone above and beyond.
I would ask that you remember our state in your prayers since most families have not finished rebuilding since the last storms.
In Christ and with Peace about my Inheritance


Patty said...

I am praying for your state and I am watching the storm closely. May Jesus surround you with a hedge of protection and I praise Him for the peace he has given you!!

Thank you for sharing your heart in God Stop Friday!!

Sallye said...


I saw your comment on Patty's God Stop Friday.

We attend Cowboy Church here in San Angelo TX. I will put you and your ministry on our Church prayer list. I know that a house is just stuff, but I also know that each thing in your house has a testimony and miracle tied to it, and it is so hard to let the physical evidence of God in your life, be left behind. Take care, and stay safe.
